1. Once logged into the platform, click on the server  (located on the left side) to reveal the rooms










2. Locate the class you want to join on the right and click on it
This will immediately take you into the class.


3. Once in the class, right-click on  . From the ensuing menu drop-down, find the volume slider and move it all the way to the right to raise the volume to the maximum (200% or 100% if your slider only goes up to 100%)


4. Next, right-click on  , locate the volume slider and set it at about 150% (or 70% if your slider only goes up to 100%)


5. Finally, locate and click on the video feed titled “FEMI” to spotlight it (make it larger and make it the main video). You will see the video feeds of the other participants on the right. If you only want to see the Instructor on the entire screen, click on the small arrow to the right of the instructor’s video feed to hide all the other participants.

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